NFC EASTNFC CENTRALNFC WESTNY Giants14-2Chicago14-2San Francisco10-5-1Washington12-4Minnesota9-7LA Rams10-6Dallas7-9Detroit5-11Atlanta7-8-1Philadelphia5-10-1Green Bay 4-12New Orleans7-9St Louis 4-11-1Tampa Bay2-14AFC EASTAFC CENTRALAFC WESTNew England11-5Cleveland12-4Denver11-5NY Jets10-6Cincinnati10-6Kansas City10-6Miami8-8Pittsburgh6-10Seattle10-6Buffalo4-12Houston5-11LA Raiders8-8Indianapolis3-13San Diego4-12WILD CARD GAMESWashington 19 LA Rams 7NY Jets 35 Kansas City 13DIVISIONAL GAMESNY Giants 49 San Francisco 3Washington 27 Chicago 13Cleveland 23 NY Jets 20 Denver 22 N.England 17CHAMPIONSHIP GAMESNY Giants 17 Washington 0Denver 23 Cleveland 20SUPER BOWL XXI at Pao Alto, CaliforniaNY Giants 39 Denver 20
Leeman Bennett's second season was even worse than his first. Although the 2-14 mark was the same, this Buc team was definitely the worst in franchise history. Veteran players were released at mid-season to save money and in one five-game stretch, the team lost by an average of 30 points. It is still amazing this team even won two games and I have long felt that the expansion 1976 Buccaneers could have whipped their butts.