Strike breakers - why Dan Turk and Jim Zorn went across Dan Turk was on strike in Tampa, and Jim Zorn was the host of a television show in Seattle. But the view from those two points was the same. Turk and Zorn both say they got fed up with the lack of progress in the NFL strike negotiations. So Wednesday, they both joined the Tampa Bay Buccaneers' non-union replacement team. Turk, a second-year center who came to the Bucs in a trade from the Pittsburgh Steelers last spring, became the first regular Buc to come back to work. Zorn, a veteran of 10 NFL seasons who passed for 20,122 yards as a member of the Seattle Seahawks, signed and reported to the ``B Team.`` Ray Perkins said he doesn't know whether Zorn will play this Sunday in a home game against the Minnesota Vikings' B Team. ``We brought him in, worked him out and signed him because we thought he could help us,`` Perkins said. ``What if this thing lasts all year? Which, to me, it seems like it's got a good chance of doing.`` Perkins said the B Bucs also have signed wide receiver Stanley Shakespeare and offensive guard Jim Huddleston. Shakespeare started for the University of Miami's 1983 national championship team but failed in previous NFL trials with the Browns and Dolphins. Huddleston was with the Bucs in training camp and was cut just before the season started. Turk, 25, said he never really supported the strike and didn't attend the meetings or workouts attended by the striking ``A Team.`` He said he almost crossed the picket line last week, and finally made up his mind Tuesday. ``I just didn't see anything happening,`` he said of the negotiations. ``It seemed like they were going to play with whoever was available.`` After missing three paychecks - or 18.75 percent of his 1987 salary - Turk decided he didn't want to miss a fourth. ``I didn't see two sets of people at the (negotiating) table sitting there with their sleeves rolled up and sweat on their eyebrows,`` he said. He said he also was influenced by Pittsburgh center Mike Webster's decision to cross the picket line and rejoin the Steelers. Turk was Webster's backup before being traded to the Bucs. ``That was important to me, when I saw him cross, because I have a lot of respect for him,`` Turk said. ``When I was there, I did just about everything that he did. If he stayed late at practice, I stayed late.`` Asked his reaction to Turk's return, Perkins said: ``I don't really have any feeling except that I'm glad he's here at work.`` Zorn, 34, last played in the NFL for the 1985 Green Bay Packers. He spent last year with the Winnipeg Blue Bombers of the Canadian Football League. As an 11th-year man, he'll probably be the highest-paid replacement Buc (not counting Turk). The minimum NFL salary for a player with Zorn's experience is $150,000, or $9,375 per game. The B Bucs' other veteran quarterback, 37-year-old John Reaves, is making at least $8,750 per game as a 10th-year NFL player. Zorn said he was in Buffalo for a tryout with the Bills when the strike started, and he almost signed with the Seahawks during the strike. ``I really agonized whether to play there or not, and as you can see I got as far away from there as I could possibly go,`` he said with a smile. Zorn said Seahawks general manager Mike McCormack gave reporters in Seattle a good analysis of their negotiations: ``Well, what Jim did is he said `Yes' four times and `No' five times.`` ĺ…¸hat was the emotion involved with it,`` Zorn said. But he said he eventually decided to play elsewhere because he was tired of seeing both sides give each other ultimatums. ``You get to these absolutes and you have a breakdown,`` he said. Huddleston, 25, said the Bucs contacted him earlier in the strike. But like Zorn, he had misgivings about signing as a replacement player with a team he'd been with before. ``Initially, I didn't want to come in because of the respect I had for the other guys,`` he said. ``I've been here since February. We've bled together, and sweated together and worked together.`` He said he also has fished together with some of the regular Bucs since the strike started, and he hopes they understand his situation. Huddleston said he hasn't sought other employment because he was hoping to be back on a football team sometime this season and his financial situation has deteriorated. ``I told them it was getting tough on me,`` he said. ``I was eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. The car was broken down and I was walking everywhere because I couldn't afford to fix it. I wasn't doing anybody any good sitting around my apartment at this point,`` Huddleston added. ``These games are counting, and I feel the best way I could help those guys is to come in and see if I can help them rack up a good record.` John Luttermoser, The St.Petersburg Times October 1987