OTHER MEMORIES OF EXTRA POINT The UK's No.1 Minnesota Vikings fan, Geoff Reader Memories of the evenings at the Lord Moon on the Mall:- Highlight has to be the fountain incident at Trafalgar Square (Ceri Dovey lost a bet to Paul Stewart on a Giants v Bucs game and had to stand in one of the fountains in freezing cold water wearing a Bucs' shirt. 12 months later, the bet was on again and the result was reversed) Fantasy football talk - (Cris Carter anyone?) Me getting upset with Steve Careford when he chose to misremember a trade when Paul arrived. The them and us groupings and the Friday mornings after ... Memories of Extra Point The laughs that Extra Point generated - never seen anything like it The wide range of articles The trying to source the articles Getting the press passes and trying to use them appropriately! The mad issue which Ceri and I co-edited former Monarchs' ticket manager, Martin Dodds I joined the whole Lord Moon / Extra Point business a bit late. Two real memories stand out - the obnoxious one-armed man (who I unfortunately had to deal with many times as a Monarchs season ticket holder) and being 'vetted' by Paul Stewart, Geoff Reader, and Steve "Norv" Careford for the Bucs UK fantasy league. I particularly remember Norv asking me if I would tell other owners the truth about what I thought of a player - when I said I would he said that was the wrong answer; what he didn't know was I was lying when I said I'd tell the truth! Why Norv? Because Steve always claimed he had the best team but never ever won it. So just like Norv Turner, he took a great team and made it distinctly unsuccessful. The one-armed man He was from what I remember a 49ers fan. He used to turn up to each EP event at the Moon on the Mall and generally piss everyone off. So one night, Careford turned up late, already absolutely hammered, walked up to him and shook his arm and proclaimed "Three lemons" (one- armed bandit?). He then proceeded to tell the guy that The Fugitive was after him and with the place helpless in a combination of laughter and stunned silence, the guy disappeared never to return. The Dallas Cowboys duo Their fan club was being run by Paul Smith and Nick Bowler. Outside of looking like the Two Ronnies, Bowler only had one phrase "How can you say that" in a squeaky voice every time you didn't agree Dallas were the greatest team in the world. And Smith spent most of his time arguing why he shouldn't have to contribute to EP than he ever did to promote the magazine. Smith played darts with my former 6'4" brother-in-law and was recently bragging that he was "really good friends with the guy from the Bucs fan club and Sky Sports". He took great delight in pointing out to everyone in the pub what I and the rest of EP actually thought of him. Graham Barford Ran the 49ers fan club and was involved in making up most of the nicknames people had including Darren "Titley" Conway after everyone realised the No.1 Bears fan was the spitting image of the Monarchs' starting tight end. And the more Darren got annoyed about it, the more Barford went on about it. But the ultimate Graham Barford story involved the night Careford had brought along all the voting forms for the inaugural EP awards. He and just possibly myself acting as executive look-out, might just have spent half an hour writing our names into every category we were eligible for just to wind Steve up. And from what I recall, we well and truly succeeded.