SAPP ATTACK - Warren Sapp Written in 2012, it is the autobiography of the former Buccaneer defensive tackle. The BUCPOWER.COM review So here it is, the book by the loudest and most colourful Buccaneer of them all. Warren pulls no punches as one would expect and lays into the usual suspects including Sam Wyche who he really could not stand. "Tony Dungy put the damn cake in the oven and then Jon Gruden came in and put the icing on it. Of course Sam Wyche could not have even got the mix out of the box". But he surprisingly goes after Monte Kiffin for calling blitzes to make himself look like a coaching genius and blames him for the Warner to Proehl touchdown pass in the NFC title game against the Rams for sticking with a blitz call that the defensive line all apparently told him would not work. He of course has no love for Trent Dilfer, "an interception waiting to happen", Keyshawn Johnson, "too stupid and too arrogant to know when he is wrong", but the affection for the likes of Tony Dungy, Jon Gruden, Rod Marinelli, Derek Brooks, John Lynch and Brad "Whitey" Culpepper is evident for all too see. There are some absolutely cracking stories from his time with the Buccaneers in there. The problem is that already one of them has been claimed to be a complete work of fiction by the other player involved. So I guess you are going to have to take much of this with a pinch of salt and guess how much truth there actually is in each story. This results from a tale Sapp tells about never really getting on with fellow defensive lineman Chidi Ahanotu and allegedly provoking a fight with him in training one day. This involved Warren telling everyone that Chidi should change the name of his jazz club "Sacks" to "Pressures" because that was all he could get each Sunday on the field. On a personal note there are too many spelling mistakes and factual errors for my liking. In the acknowledgements section at the end, the likes of Ed Orgeron and Joe Barry have their names spelt incorrectly and the Bucs did not finish "six-dash-ten" in his rookie season as he claims. Worst of all, the story about Sapp having a choice of four numbers as a rookie, "78, 63, 97 and 99 were available" is just insulting. 63 had been retired nearly a decade earlier and was of course Lee Roy Selmon's number. But just like Warren Sapp in real life, you have to take the rough with the smooth. Even for someone such as myself who has a knowledge of franchise Buccaneer history bordering on the excessive, there were enlightening moments and eye-opening stories that really made the book enjoyable indeed essential. Warren is one of the largest characters ever to take the field for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Love him or hate him, you cannot ignore him and "Sapp Attack" is a continuation of the player and man that Buc fans knew so well for nearly a decade around the Super Bowl victory. So do you buy it? Yes of course. It is the best book so far written by a Buccaneer player and tells enough great stories from the best years of the franchise to make it essential reading for any Tampa Bay fan. Just don't expect Warren to offer to sign it should you ever see him with a copy of it in your hand.