QUARTERBLACK - Doug Williams An autobiography written in 1991 The BUCPOWER.COM review Doug Williams’ autobiography in which he proves once and for all, that he is the most bitter ex- quarterback out of the game, but most well-balanced from the large chip he has on each shoulder. No-one is immune from his barbs, not least the late-Hugh Culverhouse and the Buccaneer organisation of that time. My views on Williams are well-known, but when he signed this book with his Washington Redskin number, then it just summed up his views on the Bucs. Time has apparently healed some wounds over the last few years, but if you believe everything written in this book, then Doug Williams is a saint, and everyone else in the world, a sinner. Other reviews Although the majority of players in pro football are black, few are or have ever been quarterbacks. One of the most successful was Williams, who helped to convert the lamentable Tampa Bay Buccaneer franchise into a winner and then, after a stay in the short-lived U.S. Football League, led the Washington Redskins to a Super Bowl victory in 1988. Newly released by the Redskins at age 35, his gridiron career probably over, Williams, with freelance writer Hunter, here has his say about the game and about racism in football. Whether the prejudice against black quarterbacks exists because owners and coaches believe that blacks are not intelligent enough to play the position, or because managers feel that players will not respond well to black leaders, Williams cannot resolve. His testimony, however, is sure to cause a stir. From Publishers Weekly Football fans, and especially Redskin fans, will enjoy this fast-paced autobiography of the first black quarterback in the NFL. Williams covers not only his personal life, including the death of his first wife, but also his collegiate and professional career in football. He has personal opinions on many subjects: his team members and players on other teams; the quarterback controversy with the Washington Redskins; and the NFL's position on black quarterbacks. Williams has always been a class act, involved in community activities with children and with drug prevention programs, and his story is sure to appeal to young adults. School Library Journal