Forget the cannons, Bucs; fire the coach
Martin Fennelly, The Tampa Tribune, published 25 October 2013

It's not about firing the cannons anymore. It's about firing the head coach. This can't go on. There's the “Fire Schiano” billboard. There were “Fire Schiano” signs at Raymond James Stadium for Thursday night's game with the Carolina Panthers, which was no game at all. A 31-13 loss for Greg Schiano's idea of football, on national TV. In living color, mostly blood red. Not even a chance. There's apparently a 5 a.m. Fire Schiano crew that is showing up at Tampa Bay Buccaneers headquarters. All that's left is, well ... Firing Schiano.

In keeping with the weirdness, there was a report that before Thursday's game, crews sanitized both the home and visiting benches and the sideline tarps players stand on. Will it ever end? I almost feel sorry for the guy. But that eventually passes. This has to end. Now. Time to clean up the other mess. Fire Schiano.

Episode 7 of Breaking Bucs ended like the first six. It's 0-7 and it begs the age-old question: Do you do the decent thing and fire a guy before he travels cross-country to get his keister handed to him by the Seahawks, or do you save him the trip? This time it was national. This time it was the Panthers. This time it was a stadium only two-thirds full at the start and was ghostly at the end, save for the fans waiting, again, for Schiano as he ran off the field.

Let's not make this personal. The losing is enough. And now for an important safety reminder, fans. Cut out eye holes, then gently put the paper bag over your head. Remember, put the bag over your head before assisting your child or the Glazers.

Open your eyes, ownership. There is no sapping or snapping the narrative in 2013. Next comes Seattle, the Pacific Northwest, home of Mount St. Helens, which also has a lava dome. This one here has to blow.

Shawshank Schiano and his inmates have concocted the perfect turkey. Take a season covered in expectations, stuff it with a quarter-billion dollars in signings, add losses, a quarterback dump and stories and rumors about players under the head coach's thumb, sprinkle with MRSA, bake for seven games, 5,000 degrees.

This coach is cooked. Yes, we can filter out the billboard. We can filter out those fans standing outside the Bucs building in the pre-dawn. After all, they were invited, right?

We can filter out parts of that story that broke Thursday on how Bucs players, former and current, are sick of the head coach, including Michael Bennett, who is now with — wait for it — Seattle. We can definitely strain out that anonymous 2012 Buc who refused to be named in that story, but who insisted that playing for this head coach is like “being in Cuba.”

How about having the guts to put your name out there, since you're so bent on holding Schiano accountable? And have the sense to realize that professional football players make slightly more than someone living in and occasionally trying to raft or swim out of Cuba. There's no comparison. Also, Cuba is 4-3 this season. The Bucs are 0-7. Zero-sum game. Zeroes all across this season for this coach, who has now lost 12 of his past 13.

Cam Newton and the Panthers defense sped the Bucs on their way Thursday night. They controlled this game from the start. It wasn't a game, even when it seemed like one. This was simply a beating, clear as day, dark as night. The Bucs had no answers. The Bucs have no answers. Neither does this coach. Neither will this coach. What's the use of going on?