Locker Room quotes
The St.Petersburg Times, published 30 November 1981

For Bucs coach John McKay: How do you explain the offensive turn-around of the Bucs?
We decided we could pass on them. I think they (the Saints) got tired. They have been in a few emotional games, including last week (at Houston). Bum's got a young team,

Again for McKay: And how about the defense?
The defense, after a slow start, played real well. But we've been crippled by injuries. In the end, you've got to give credit to our team considering we've been playing crippled for a few weeks now,

Again for McKay: Why was a timeout called with three seconds left in the first half, allowing the Saints a chance to score?
What I saw on the clock was 23 seconds left when I signaled to him (Cecil Johnson) for a timeout. By the time he got the message to the officials, it was too late. We were screaming at him not to by then. It was miscommunication.

Once more for McKay: Do you have anything to say about the comments last week by Saints defensive end Deriand Moore (who complained about McKay not starting him in the 1972 College All-Star game)?
I got a call yesterdav (Saturday) from a JV guy I had 20 years ago who was peeved that he didn't play.

For Bucs linebacker Andy Hawkins: Were you prepared for the Saints' fake punt?
They (the coaches) told us to be alert for it. We knew they'd have that play. But he'd have made a first down (if there had not been a fumble). He might still be running with it right now.

For Bucs quarterback Doug Williams: Were you especially fired up for the game, considering it was so close to your home?
It was a great feeling to be at home - Zachary, L
The whole town was here. I don't think anybody was left at home to guard the chickens.

Again for Williams: How did the changes take place, for a Bucs offense that was being stopped by the Saints to an offense that took command of the game?
New Orleans was playing the run real well. They saw last week's films and how we ran on Green Bay. So, we passed more. The offensive line was great and the receivers did a super job of getting open.

For Bucs linebacker Cecil Johnson: How did the defense do against George Rogers?
We came back and did a helluva job fin him. We didn't do too well at all in the beginning. We were kind of overrunning plays. We misjudged his speed. He's so big, we didn't realize he was that fast.

For Bucs placekicker Bill Capece: Did the groin injury inhibit your kicking?
It's still a little sore, but its not a bad pull. I'm okay as long as I don't go crazy, in practice before the game. It's great to not have to worry about the wind here.

For Bucs tight end Jimmie Giles: Was the bomb Williams threw you with the score 17-14 a catchable ball?
Absolutely. It was just a missed ball. I should have had it.

For Bucs wide receiver Gordon Jones: Was it nice to get back into the swing of things offensively, if only for a moment, with the touchdown catch?
Yes. I've had to keep my spirits up. I'm disappointed that I'm not playing. But as long as we're winning, I'm not depressed.

Again for Jones: Why did the play work so well?
We've been working on that play for two years. I lined up on a wing. The linebacker didn't go with me. It was a cinch it would work.

For Bucs wide receiver Kevin House: Was the first tackle on you the hardest hit you've received?
Yes. I got welcomed to the AFL today. But I pride myself on getting back up.

Again for House: Why did the passing game work so efficiently?
Doug had a lot of time to throw. We ran pretty good routes. I think it was our best game of the year.

One more for House: Was there any doubt about your touchdown catch that was caught at your shoe-tops?
I caught it clean. It never got to the ground. They (the officials) paused before calling it, I said to myself.- Please, don't take it from me.

For Bucs defensive end (and former Saint) Joe Campbell: What did you think of your old team?
They had a lot of new faces out there. I think they are coming on. They'll be around (as a contender) after awhile.

For Bucs running back James Owens.- Was the artificial surface beneficial to you?
It's a good surface to run on. But you really feel (soreness) the next day.

Again for Owens: Was New Orleans better prepared for you than Green Bay was last week?
Yes. I hadn't played much before last week, and I was kind of a shock to them.

For New Orleans coach Bum Phillips: What enabled Tampa Bay to come back on the Saints?
Doug Williams had a great day. He's an outstanding player. We couldn't effect a good pass rush up the middle because Doug is capable of running it out of there. Tampa Bay played better and harder than we did. Doug Williams had a lot to do with the poor showing of the Saints' defense.

Again for Phillips: Was there a letdown after the emotional win at Houston last week?
The Saints expected to win, the fans expected us to win and Et seemed our players thought Tampa Bay was going to be a soft touch, but they weren't. The Saints were up physically for the game, but not mentally.

For Saints safety Tommy Myers: What about Doug Williams?
He was excellent today. He threw the soft screen and drilled the medium stuff

For Saints linebacker Rickey Jackson- What did you have to say to former teammate Hugh Green after the game?
When I lose, I'm not the talking type. There’s no hard feelings. He (Green) is like a brother to me.